Urban Action Showcase 2014 Expo and Film Festival put together by Demetrius Angelo was fun. Props to go out to Jayson Soto and Jose Roman for the nomination for best short The Chase. Kaloni Davis and Robert Jefferson for their nominations for short film Last Days Reloaded. I got to meet some many film makers, directors, actors, etc. all striving to push forward the independent action films. I had the honor to see old friends and making new ones. Thank you for a great day! -SifuTom Lugo
Tom Lugo and Hung Gar Sifu and film producer Ewart Chin
Actor Michael Woods and Tom Lugo Michael Woods is known for his work on Blade II (2002), In the Line of Duty 4 (1989) and Tiger Cage 2 (1990).
Actor and Choy Lay Fut Master Kenny Chin and Tom Lugo
Tom Lugo, Jose Figueroa, Shaolin Monk Grandmaster Guolin , Master Ren GuangYi , and the producer FINAL WEAPON FEATURE FILM Powered by the music of Lou Reed and enthusiasts in the community, now you can help bring a feature-length version of the film to fruition. http://www.renguangyi.com/ http://shaolin-overseas.org/Shaolin_Overseas-Shifu_Guolin.html
Tom Lugo and Actor and Martial arts expert TJ Storm
American columnist, author and comic book writer Ric Meyers and Tom Lugo
Clips from the movie Last Days Reloaded on the BIG Screen- Sifu Tom Lugo on the right
Clips from the movier Last Days on the BIG Screen – Sifu Tom Lugo on the left
For more pictures of the event follow this link https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.796667593723390.1073741857.133881610001995&type=3